Monday, January 31, 2011

My Christmas (2010)

I had a great Christmas! Did you? I hope you did! Here are a few things I got. I got a DSI-XL with a cover, a Donkey Kong Country Returns Wii game, games for my DSI, bakugans, tinker toys, another Wii game and movie from my cousins and lots of stocking stuffers. In fact I even made a gift for my teacher, same as Sharee, it was some popcorn that went with a malco gift card. It even had pretzels, m&m's, and chocolate on the popcorn. For Christmas Eve on the kid's table sat a Christmas tree made of fruit that was made by my Mom, Sharee, and Me. That's what we did for Christmas. What did YOU do?


  1. We had a Merry Christmas at your house. I loved the fruit tree you all made! I'm not on the computer ALL the don't worry about your Aunt Rhonda.

    It was a nice surprise to see you blogged again Devin...I think YOU should be blogging more instead of playing the wii and DSI all the time. Ha! Love you!

  2. What were you thinking? What will I get next???
