Monday, July 5, 2010

16 Fish in the pond.

One day we went to my Granny and Papa' s pond to go fishing.I caught 16 fish that day. The very last fish I caught was a catfish that we had to let back into the pond. I get a fishing pole for catching the catfish all by myself.


  1. 16 fish, woooohooo! Did you eat any of them? Cameron will be getting a new fishing pole too soon. So cool!

  2. Hey,
    I miss you blogging! You should do a post of what was in the Madison County Record about parent involvement!

    Love you Devin!
    Love, Aunt Rhonda

  3. Fishy, fish, in the brook,
    Devin caught it with a hook,
    Mama fried it in a pan,
    Devin threw it out to a man...
    He ate it all up & Devin had to start again...
